The British Chiropody and Podiatry Association

South East Branch

Join us

You are warmly invited to apply for a membership subscription for the coming year.


New Members Joining Fee (one off payment)£5.00
Membership annual subscription fee£25.00


Please complete the form below, then make your payment of £30 (for new members) or £25 (for existing members) either electronically or by cheque.


Our Rules of the Constitution and GDPR policies can be found at the foot of this page.



To pay electronically


Please use the details shown below, making sure to include your name in the payment reference.


Sort Code09-01-54
Account Number0833 3286




To pay by cheque


Please send a note giving your name along with your cheque made payable to the BCPA South East Branch to:


Kate Alexander

64 Stag Leys



KT21 2TQ


Public details


Private details


I agree to abide by the...


... rules of the constitution


... data retention policy as it relates to BCPA members


Are you an ex-member?


If you are a returning ex-member, please click here.